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Unified Diff: lib/requestNotifier.js

Issue 29329815: Issue 3274 - Unbreak toolbar icon tooltip (Closed)
Patch Set: Created Nov. 6, 2015, 12:36 p.m.
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Index: lib/requestNotifier.js
--- a/lib/requestNotifier.js
+++ b/lib/requestNotifier.js
@@ -19,29 +19,33 @@
* @fileOverview Stores Adblock Plus data to be attached to a window.
let {Utils} = require("utils");
let windowSelection = new WeakMap();
let requestNotifierMaxId = 0;
+let windowStatsMaxResponseID = 0;
+let windowStatsCallbacks = new Map();
* Active RequestNotifier instances by their ID
* @type Map.<number,RequestNotifier>
let notifiers = new Map();
let messageManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1"]
Utils.addChildMessageListener("AdblockPlus:FoundNodeData", onNodeData);
Utils.addChildMessageListener("AdblockPlus:ScanComplete", onScanComplete);
Utils.addChildMessageListener("AdblockPlus:RetrieveNodeSizeResponse", onNodeSizeReceived);
+Utils.addChildMessageListener("AdblockPlus:RetrieveWindowStatsResponse", onWindowStatsReceived);
function onNodeData({notifierID, data})
let notifier = notifiers.get(notifierID);
if (notifier)
@@ -54,16 +58,24 @@ function onScanComplete(notifierID)
function onNodeSizeReceived({notifierID, responseID, size})
let notifier = notifiers.get(notifierID);
if (notifier)
notifier.onNodeSizeReceived(responseID, size);
+function onWindowStatsReceived({responseID, stats})
+ let callback = windowStatsCallbacks.get(responseID);
+ windowStatsCallbacks.delete(responseID);
+ if (typeof callback == "function")
+ callback(stats);
* Creates a notifier object for a particular window. After creation the window
* will first be scanned for previously saved requests. Once that scan is
* complete only new requests for this window will be reported.
* @param {Integer} outerWindowID ID of the window to attach the notifier to
* @param {Function} listener listener to be called whenever a new request is found
* @param {Object} [listenerObj] "this" pointer to be used when calling the listener
@@ -194,24 +206,30 @@ RequestNotifier.getSelection = function(
if (windowSelection.has(wnd.document))
return windowSelection.get(wnd.document);
return null;
* Retrieves the statistics for a window.
- * @result {Object} Object with the properties items, blocked, whitelisted, hidden, filters containing statistics for the window (might be null)
+ * @param {number} outerWindowID the ID of the window
+ * @param {Function} callback the callback to be called with the resulting
+ * object (object properties will be items, blocked,
+ * whitelisted, hidden, filters) or null.
-RequestNotifier.getWindowStatistics = function(/**Window*/ wnd)
+RequestNotifier.getWindowStatistics = function(outerWindowID, callback)
- if (windowStats.has(wnd.document))
- return windowStats.get(wnd.document);
- else
- return null;
+ let id = ++windowStatsMaxResponseID;
+ windowStatsCallbacks.set(id, callback);
+ messageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage("AdblockPlus:RetrieveWindowStats", {
+ responseID: id,
+ outerWindowID
+ });
* Retrieves the request data associated with a DOM node.
* @param {Node} node
* @param {Boolean} noParent if missing or false, the search will extend to the parent nodes until one is found that has data associated with it
* @param {Integer} [type] request type to be looking for
* @param {String} [location] request location to be looking for
« lib/child/requestNotifier.js ('K') | « lib/child/requestNotifier.js ('k') | lib/ui.js » ('j') | no next file with comments »

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