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Issue 29329984: Issue 3257 - Create uninstallation page in adblockplus.org (Closed)
Patch Set: Addressed Thomas comments Created Dec. 3, 2015, 1:04 p.m.
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1 title=Adblock Plus has been uninstalled
2 template=simple
4 {% set reasons = [
5 ("1v0", "reason-not-installed", "I didn't install Adblock Plus."),
6 ("2v0", "reason-slowing-down", "Adblock Plus slowed down my browser."),
7 ("3v0", "reason-acceptable-ads", "I don't like the Acceptable Ads program."),
8 ("4v0", "reason-see-ads", "Adblock Plus didn't block all ads."),
9 ("5v0", "reason-better-adblocker", "I found better ad blocking software."),
10 ("6v0", "reason-break-websites", "Adblock Plus breaks websites that I visit.")
11 ] %}
13 <head>
14 <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
15 <script type="text/javascript">
16 (function()
17 {
18 function init()
19 {
20 var form = document.getElementById("reasons-form");
22 // Create hidden input for GET parameters
23 window.location.search.substr(1).split("&").forEach(function(param)
24 {
25 if (!/.=./.test(param))
26 return;
28 var paramSplit = param.split("=");
29 var input = document.createElement("input");
30 input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
31 input.setAttribute("name", paramSplit[0]);
32 input.setAttribute("value", paramSplit[1]);
33 form.appendChild(input);
34 });
36 // Randomly add reasons
37 var reasonsContainer = document.getElementById("reasons");
38 var reasons = reasonsContainer.cloneNode(true).getElementsByTagName("li");
39 reasonsContainer.innerHTML = "";
40 reasons = Array.prototype.slice.call(reasons);
41 while (reasons.length)
42 {
43 var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (reasons.length -1));
44 var reasonElement = reasons.splice(randomIndex, 1)[0];
45 reasonsContainer.appendChild(reasonElement);
46 }
48 var reasonOtherCheckbox = document.getElementById("reason-other");
49 reasonOtherCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function()
50 {
51 var textArea = document.getElementById("reason-other-input");
52 if (textArea.hasAttribute("class"))
53 textArea.removeAttribute("class")
54 else
55 textArea.setAttribute("class", "hidden");
56 }, false);
58 var submitButton = document.getElementById("submit-form");
59 submitButton.addEventListener("click", function(event)
60 {
61 if (!document.querySelector("ul input:checked"))
62 {
63 event.preventDefault();
64 form.setAttribute("class", "error");
65 }
66 else
67 {
68 form.submit();
69 }
70 }, false);
71 }
72 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);
73 })();
74 </script>
75 </head>
77 <section class="highlighted">
78 <h1>{{"Please select the reason(s) why you uninstalled Adblock Plus:"|translat e("reasons-header", "Form heading")}}</h1>
79 <form id="reasons-form" action="uninstall-abp-submit" method="post">
80 <ul id="reasons">
81 {%- for reasonId, stringId, value in reasons %}
82 <li>
83 <label>
84 <input type="checkbox" name="reason" value="{{reasonId}}" />
85 {{value|translate(stringId, "Uninstallation reason")}}
86 </label>
87 </li>
88 {%- endfor %}
89 <li>
90 <label>
91 <input id="reason-other" type="checkbox" name="reason" value="0v0" />
92 {{"Other, namely..."|translate("reason-other", "Last uninstallation re ason")}}
93 </label>
94 <textarea id="reason-other-input" class="hidden" name="reasonOther" plac eholder="{{"Please explain why you are uninstalling Adblock Plus"|translate("rea son-other-placeholder", "Textarea placeholder text, appears after selecting 'Oth er, namely...' option")}}"></textarea>
95 </li>
96 </ul>
97 <button id="submit-form">{{"Submit"|translate("submit", "Submit button text" )}}</button>
98 <span class="error-label">{{"Please select at least one of the options above "|translate("error-msg", "Error message, is being shown after submission if no i tem selected")}}</span>
99 </form>
100 <p class="disclaimer">
101 {{"By clicking Submit, you are sending your response to Adblock Plus. Please see our <a href='/privacy'>privacy policy</a>."|translate("disclaimer", "Discla imer below form")}}
102 </p>
103 </section>
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