1 # {{specific-criteria-heading[Specefic criteria heading] Specific criteria}} {:
#specific-criteria } | 1 # {{specific-criteria-heading[Specefic criteria heading] Specific criteria}} {:
#specific-criteria } |
2 | 2 |
3 --- | 3 --- |
4 | 4 |
5 #### {{text-ads[Text in "Specific criteria"] Text ads}} {: .item #text-ads } | 5 #### {{text-ads[Text in "Specific criteria"] Text ads}} {: .item #text-criteria
} |
6 | 6 |
7 {{attention-grab["Text ads" description in "Specific criteria"] Text ads desig
ned with excessive use of colors and/or other elements to grab attention are not
permitted.}} | 7 {{attention-grab["Text ads" description in "Specific criteria"] Text ads desig
ned with excessive use of colors and/or other elements to grab attention are not
permitted.}} |
8 | 8 |
9 #### {{image-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Image ads}} {: .item #image
-ads } | 9 #### {{image-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Image ads}} {: .item #image
-criteria } |
10 | 10 |
11 {{unobtrusive-image["Image ads" description in "Specific criteria"] Static image
ads may qualify as acceptable, according to an evaluation of their unobtrusiven
ess based on their integration on the webpage.}} | 11 {{unobtrusive-image["Image ads" description in "Specific criteria"] Static image
ads may qualify as acceptable, according to an evaluation of their unobtrusiven
ess based on their integration on the webpage.}} |
12 | 12 |
13 #### {{in-feed-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] In-feed ads}} {: .item #f
eed-ads } | 13 #### {{in-feed-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] In-feed ads}} {: .item #f
eed-criteria } |
14 | 14 |
15 {{feed-list-ads["In-feed ads" description in "Specific criteria"] For ads in lis
ts and feeds, the general criteria differ depending on:}} | 15 {{feed-list-ads["In-feed ads" description in "Specific criteria"] For ads in lis
ts and feeds, the general criteria differ depending on:}} |
16 | 16 |
17 ##### {{placement-requirement[Bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Placement req
uirements}} {: #feed-ads-placement } | 17 ##### {{placement-requirement[Bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Placement req
uirements}} {: #feed-ads-placement } |
18 | 18 |
19 {{entries-feeds[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Ads are permitte
d in between entries and feeds.}} | 19 {{entries-feeds[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Ads are permitte
d in between entries and feeds.}} |
20 | 20 |
21 ##### {{size-requirment[Bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Size requirements}}
{: #feeds-size-requirement} | 21 ##### {{size-requirment[Bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Size requirements}}
{: #feeds-size-requirement} |
22 | 22 |
23 {{in-feed-ads-size[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] In-feed ads a
re permitted to take up more space, as long as they are not substantially larger
than other elements in the list or feed.}} | 23 {{in-feed-ads-size[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] In-feed ads a
re permitted to take up more space, as long as they are not substantially larger
than other elements in the list or feed.}} |
24 | 24 |
25 #### {{search-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Search ads }} {: .item #se
arch-ads } | 25 #### {{search-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Search ads }} {: .item #se
arch-criteria } |
26 | 26 |
27 {{search-ads-info["Search ads" description in "Specific criteria"] For search ad
s - ads displayed following a user-initiated search query - the criteria differ
depending on:}} | 27 {{search-ads-info["Search ads" description in "Specific criteria"] For search ad
s - ads displayed following a user-initiated search query - the criteria differ
depending on:}} |
28 | 28 |
29 ##### {{size-requirement[Bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Size requirements}
} {: #search-ads-size } | 29 ##### {{size-requirement[Bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Size requirements}
} {: #search-ads-size } |
30 | 30 |
31 {{more-space[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Search ads are perm
itted to be larger and take up additional screen space.}} | 31 {{more-space[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] Search ads are perm
itted to be larger and take up additional screen space.}} |
32 | 32 |
33 #### {{no-primary-content[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Ads on pages with
no primary content }} {: .item #no-content } | 33 #### {{no-primary-content[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Ads on pages with
no primary content }} {: .item #no-content } |
34 | 34 |
35 {{only-text-ads["Ads on pages with no primary content" description in "Specific
criteria"] Only text ads are allowed. For webpages without any primary content (
e.g. error or parking pages), the criteria differ depending on:}} | 35 {{only-text-ads["Ads on pages with no primary content" description in "Specific
criteria"] Only text ads are allowed. For webpages without any primary content (
e.g. error or parking pages), the criteria differ depending on:}} |
36 | 36 |
37 ##### {{placement-requirement Placement requirements}} {: #no-content-placement
} | 37 ##### {{placement-requirement Placement requirements}} {: #no-content-placement
} |
38 | 38 |
39 {{no-placement-limit[Text below point in "Specific criteria"] No placement limit
ations.}} | 39 {{no-placement-limit[Text below point in "Specific criteria"] No placement limit
ations.}} |
40 | 40 |
41 ##### {{size-requirement}} {: #no-content-size-requirement } | 41 ##### {{size-requirement}} {: #no-content-size-requirement } |
42 | 42 |
43 {{no-size-limit[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] No size limitati
ons.}} | 43 {{no-size-limit[Text below bullet point in "Specific criteria"] No size limitati
ons.}} |
44 | 44 |
45 #### {{other-acceptable-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Other Acceptable
Ads formats? }} {: .item #other-formats } | 45 #### {{other-acceptable-ads[Subheadline in "Specific criteria"] Other Acceptable
Ads formats? }} {: .item #other-formats } |
46 | 46 |
47 {{new-format["Other Acceptable Ads formats" text in "Specific criteria"] Are you
r ads displayed on alternative screens, or are you convinced that you have an in
novative Acceptable Ads format which doesn't fit the ads outlined above? <a href
="mailto:acceptableads@adblockplus.org">Let us know!</a>}} | 47 {{new-format["Other Acceptable Ads formats" text in "Specific criteria"] Are you
r ads displayed on alternative screens, or are you convinced that you have an in
novative Acceptable Ads format which doesn't fit the ads outlined above? <a href
="mailto:acceptableads@adblockplus.org">Let us know!</a>}} |