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Unified Diff: packagerGecko.py

Issue 29562599: Issue 5751 - Removing legacy gecko support (Closed)
Patch Set: Rebasing against #5763 @ Patch Set 7 Created Oct. 6, 2017, 8:54 a.m.
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Index: packagerGecko.py
diff --git a/packagerGecko.py b/packagerGecko.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b038d2c05de350381bb4bf132cf598b14f1e094..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/packagerGecko.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-import hashlib
-import base64
-import urllib
-import json
-import io
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
-import buildtools.localeTools as localeTools
-import packager
-from packager import readMetadata, getMetadataPath, getDefaultFileName, getBuildVersion, getTemplate, Files
- 'conkeror': '{a79fe89b-6662-4ff4-8e88-09950ad4dfde}',
- 'emusic': 'dlm@emusic.com',
- 'fennec': '{a23983c0-fd0e-11dc-95ff-0800200c9a66}',
- 'fennec2': '{aa3c5121-dab2-40e2-81ca-7ea25febc110}',
- 'firefox': '{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}',
- 'midbrowser': '{aa5ca914-c309-495d-91cf-3141bbb04115}',
- 'prism': 'prism@developer.mozilla.org',
- 'seamonkey': '{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}',
- 'songbird': 'songbird@songbirdnest.com',
- 'thunderbird': '{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}',
- 'toolkit': 'toolkit@mozilla.org',
- 'adblockbrowser': '{55aba3ac-94d3-41a8-9e25-5c21fe874539}',
-defaultLocale = 'en-US'
-def getChromeDir(baseDir):
- return os.path.join(baseDir, 'chrome')
-def getLocalesDir(baseDir):
- return os.path.join(getChromeDir(baseDir), 'locale')
-def getChromeSubdirs(baseDir, locales):
- result = {}
- chromeDir = getChromeDir(baseDir)
- for subdir in ('content', 'skin'):
- result[subdir] = os.path.join(chromeDir, subdir)
- for locale in locales:
- result['locale/%s' % locale] = os.path.join(chromeDir, 'locale', locale)
- return result
-def getPackageFiles(params):
- result = {
- 'chrome', 'components', 'modules', 'lib', 'resources', 'webextension',
- 'chrome.manifest', 'icon.png', 'icon64.png'
- }
- baseDir = params['baseDir']
- for file in os.listdir(baseDir):
- if file.endswith('.js') or file.endswith('.xml'):
- result.add(file)
- return result
-def getIgnoredFiles(params):
- return {'.incomplete', 'meta.properties'}
-def archive_path(path, baseDir):
- return '/'.join(os.path.split(os.path.relpath(path, baseDir)))
-def isValidLocale(localesDir, dir, includeIncomplete=False):
- if re.search(r'[^\w\-]', dir):
- return False
- curLocaleDir = os.path.join(localesDir, dir)
- if not os.path.isdir(curLocaleDir):
- return False
- if len(os.listdir(curLocaleDir)) == 0:
- return False
- if not includeIncomplete and os.path.exists(os.path.join(localesDir, dir, '.incomplete')):
- return False
- return True
-def getLocales(baseDir, includeIncomplete=False):
- global defaultLocale
- localesDir = getLocalesDir(baseDir)
- locales = filter(lambda dir: isValidLocale(localesDir, dir, includeIncomplete), os.listdir(localesDir))
- locales.sort(key=lambda x: '!' if x == defaultLocale else x)
- return locales
-def processFile(path, data, params):
- if path.endswith('.manifest') and data.find('{{LOCALE}}') >= 0:
- localesRegExp = re.compile(r'^(.*?){{LOCALE}}(.*?){{LOCALE}}(.*)$', re.M)
- replacement = '\n'.join(map(lambda locale: r'\1%s\2%s\3' % (locale, locale), params['locales']))
- data = re.sub(localesRegExp, replacement, data)
- return data
-def readLocaleMetadata(baseDir, locales):
- result = {}
- # Make sure we always have fallback data even if the default locale isn't part
- # of the build
- locales = list(locales)
- if not defaultLocale in locales:
- locales.append(defaultLocale)
- for locale in locales:
- data = SafeConfigParser()
- data.optionxform = str
- try:
- result[locale] = localeTools.readFile(os.path.join(getLocalesDir(baseDir), locale, 'meta.properties'))
- except:
- result[locale] = {}
- return result
-def getContributors(metadata):
- main = []
- additional = set()
- if metadata.has_section('contributors'):
- options = metadata.options('contributors')
- options.sort()
- for option in options:
- value = metadata.get('contributors', option)
- if re.search(r'\D', option):
- match = re.search(r'^\s*(\S+)\s+//([^/\s]+)/@(\S+)\s*$', value)
- if not match:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: unrecognized contributor location "%s"\n' % value
- continue
- baseDir = os.path.dirname(metadata.option_source('contributors', option))
- parts = match.group(1).split('/')
- dom = minidom.parse(os.path.join(baseDir, *parts))
- tags = dom.getElementsByTagName(match.group(2))
- for tag in tags:
- if tag.hasAttribute(match.group(3)):
- for name in re.split(r'\s*,\s*', tag.getAttribute(match.group(3))):
- additional.add(name)
- else:
- main.append(value)
- return main + sorted(additional, key=unicode.lower)
-def initTranslators(localeMetadata):
- for locale in localeMetadata.itervalues():
- if 'translator' in locale:
- locale['translators'] = sorted(map(lambda t: t.strip(), locale['translator'].split(',')), key=unicode.lower)
- else:
- locale['translators'] = []
-def createManifest(params):
- global KNOWN_APPS, defaultLocale
- template = getTemplate('install.rdf.tmpl', autoEscape=True)
- templateData = dict(params)
- templateData['localeMetadata'] = readLocaleMetadata(params['baseDir'], params['locales'])
- initTranslators(templateData['localeMetadata'])
- templateData['KNOWN_APPS'] = KNOWN_APPS
- templateData['defaultLocale'] = defaultLocale
- return template.render(templateData).encode('utf-8')
-def importLocales(params, files):
- SECTION = 'import_locales'
- if not params['metadata'].has_section(SECTION):
- return
- import localeTools
- for locale in params['locales']:
- for item in params['metadata'].items(SECTION):
- path, keys = item
- parts = [locale if p == '*' else p for p in path.split('/')]
- source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(item.source), *parts)
- if not os.path.exists(source):
- continue
- with io.open(source, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
- data = json.load(handle)
- target_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0] + '.properties'
- target = archive_path(os.path.join(getLocalesDir(params['baseDir']), locale, target_name), params['baseDir'])
- files[target] = ''
- for key, value in sorted(data.items()):
- message = value['message']
- files[target] += localeTools.generateStringEntry(key, message, target).encode('utf-8')
-def fixupLocales(params, files):
- global defaultLocale
- # Read in default locale data, it might not be included in package files
- defaultLocaleDir = os.path.join(getLocalesDir(params['baseDir']), defaultLocale)
- reference_files = Files(getPackageFiles(params), getIgnoredFiles(params))
- reference_files.read(defaultLocaleDir, archive_path(defaultLocaleDir, params['baseDir']))
- reference_params = dict(params)
- reference_params['locales'] = [defaultLocale]
- importLocales(reference_params, reference_files)
- reference = {}
- for path, data in reference_files.iteritems():
- filename = path.split('/')[-1]
- data = localeTools.parseString(data.decode('utf-8'), filename)
- if data:
- reference[filename] = data
- for locale in params['locales']:
- for file in reference.iterkeys():
- path = 'chrome/locale/%s/%s' % (locale, file)
- if path in files:
- data = localeTools.parseString(files[path].decode('utf-8'), path)
- for key, value in reference[file].iteritems():
- if not key in data:
- files[path] += localeTools.generateStringEntry(key, value, path).encode('utf-8')
- else:
- files[path] = reference[file]['_origData'].encode('utf-8')
-def processJSONFiles(params, files):
- prefix = 'lib/'
- for name, content in files.iteritems():
- if name.startswith(prefix) and name.endswith('.json'):
- params['jsonRequires'][name[len(prefix):]] = json.loads(content)
- for name in params['jsonRequires'].iterkeys():
- del files[prefix + name]
-def addMissingFiles(params, files):
- templateData = {
- 'hasChrome': False,
- 'hasChromeRequires': False,
- 'hasShutdownHandlers': False,
- 'chromeWindows': [],
- 'requires': set(),
- 'jsonRequires': params['jsonRequires'],
- 'metadata': params['metadata'],
- 'hasWebExtension': params['hasWebExtension'],
- 'multicompartment': params['multicompartment'],
- 'applications': dict((v, k) for k, v in KNOWN_APPS.iteritems()),
- }
- def checkScript(name):
- content = files[name]
- for match in re.finditer(r'(?:^|\s)require\(\s*"([\w\-]+)"\s*\)', content):
- templateData['requires'].add(match.group(1))
- if name.startswith('chrome/content/'):
- templateData['hasChromeRequires'] = True
- if not '/' in name or name.startswith('lib/'):
- if re.search(r'(?:^|\s)onShutdown\.', content):
- templateData['hasShutdownHandlers'] = True
- for name, content in files.iteritems():
- if name == 'chrome.manifest':
- templateData['hasChrome'] = True
- elif name.endswith('.js'):
- checkScript(name)
- elif name.endswith('.xul'):
- match = re.search(r'<(?:window|dialog)\s[^>]*\bwindowtype="([^">]+)"', content)
- if match:
- templateData['chromeWindows'].append(match.group(1))
- while True:
- missing = []
- for module in templateData['requires']:
- moduleFile = 'lib/' + module + '.js'
- if not moduleFile in files:
- import buildtools
- path = os.path.join(buildtools.__path__[0], moduleFile)
- if os.path.exists(path):
- missing.append((path, moduleFile))
- if not len(missing):
- break
- for path, moduleFile in missing:
- files.read(path, moduleFile)
- checkScript(moduleFile)
- template = getTemplate('bootstrap.js.tmpl')
- files['bootstrap.js'] = template.render(templateData).encode('utf-8')
-def createBuild(baseDir, type='gecko', outFile=None, locales=None, buildNum=None, releaseBuild=False, multicompartment=False):
- if locales == None:
- locales = getLocales(baseDir)
- elif locales == 'all':
- locales = getLocales(baseDir, True)
- metadata = readMetadata(baseDir, type)
- version = getBuildVersion(baseDir, metadata, releaseBuild, buildNum)
- if outFile == None:
- outFile = getDefaultFileName(metadata, version, 'xpi')
- contributors = getContributors(metadata)
- params = {
- 'baseDir': baseDir,
- 'locales': locales,
- 'releaseBuild': releaseBuild,
- 'version': version.encode('utf-8'),
- 'metadata': metadata,
- 'contributors': contributors,
- 'multicompartment': multicompartment,
- 'hasWebExtension': os.path.isdir(os.path.join(baseDir, 'webextension')),
- 'jsonRequires': {},
- }
- mapped = metadata.items('mapping') if metadata.has_section('mapping') else []
- skip = [opt for opt, _ in mapped] + ['chrome']
- files = Files(getPackageFiles(params), getIgnoredFiles(params),
- process=lambda path, data: processFile(path, data, params))
- files['install.rdf'] = createManifest(params)
- files.readMappedFiles(mapped)
- files.read(baseDir, skip=skip)
- for name, path in getChromeSubdirs(baseDir, params['locales']).iteritems():
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- files.read(path, 'chrome/%s' % name, skip=skip)
- importLocales(params, files)
- fixupLocales(params, files)
- processJSONFiles(params, files)
- if not 'bootstrap.js' in files:
- addMissingFiles(params, files)
- if metadata.has_section('preprocess'):
- files.preprocess([f for f, _ in metadata.items('preprocess')])
- files.zip(outFile, sortKey=lambda x: '!' if x == 'META-INF/zigbert.rsa' else x)
-def autoInstall(baseDir, type, host, port, multicompartment=False):
- fileBuffer = StringIO()
- createBuild(baseDir, type=type, outFile=fileBuffer, multicompartment=multicompartment)
- urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%s/' % (host, port), data=fileBuffer.getvalue())
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