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Issue 29609559: Issue 6021 - Refactoring build.py (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/buildtools/file/79688f4a4aff
Patch Set: Only construct subcommands if they would actually be available Created Nov. 17, 2017, 1:30 p.m.
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Index: build.py
diff --git a/build.py b/build.py
index aa3c2035eea5688fcbbd9468ccafa250757f161c..877b2644e5229c3f3a5d414e2a115038e6ed8d76 100644
--- a/build.py
+++ b/build.py
@@ -2,211 +2,175 @@
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import argparse
+import logging
import os
-import sys
import re
-import subprocess
import shutil
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from functools import partial
from StringIO import StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
-knownTypes = {'gecko', 'chrome', 'generic', 'edge'}
+KNOWN_PLATFORMS = {'chrome', 'gecko', 'edge', 'generic'}
+MAIN_PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
-class Command(object):
- name = property(lambda self: self._name)
- shortDescription = property(
- lambda self: self._shortDescription,
- lambda self, value: self.__dict__.update({'_shortDescription': value})
- )
- description = property(
- lambda self: self._description,
- lambda self, value: self.__dict__.update({'_description': value})
- )
- params = property(
- lambda self: self._params,
- lambda self, value: self.__dict__.update({'_params': value})
- )
- supportedTypes = property(
- lambda self: self._supportedTypes,
- lambda self, value: self.__dict__.update({'_supportedTypes': value})
- )
- options = property(lambda self: self._options)
- def __init__(self, handler, name):
- self._handler = handler
- self._name = name
- self._shortDescription = ''
- self._description = ''
- self._params = ''
- self._supportedTypes = None
- self._options = []
- self.addOption('Show this message and exit', short='h', long='help')
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- pass
- def __call__(self, baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- return self._handler(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type)
- def isSupported(self, type):
- return self._supportedTypes == None or type in self._supportedTypes
- def addOption(self, description, short=None, long=None, value=None, types=None):
- self._options.append((description, short, long, value, types))
- def parseArgs(self, type, args):
- shortOptions = map(
- lambda o: o[1] + ':' if o[3] != None else o[1],
- filter(
- lambda o: o[1] != None and (o[4] == None or type in o[4]),
- self._options
- )
- )
- longOptions = map(
- lambda o: o[2] + '=' if o[3] != None else o[2],
- filter(
- lambda o: o[2] != None and (o[4] == None or type in o[4]),
- self._options
- )
- )
- return getopt(args, ''.join(shortOptions), longOptions)
+SUB_PARSERS = MAIN_PARSER.add_subparsers(title='Commands', dest='action',
+ metavar='[command]')
-commandsList = []
-commands = {}
+def make_argument(*args, **kwargs):
+ def _make_argument(*args, **kwargs):
+ parser = kwargs.pop('parser')
+ parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
-def addCommand(handler, name):
- if isinstance(name, basestring):
- aliases = ()
- else:
- name, aliases = (name[0], name[1:])
- global commandsList, commands
- command = Command(handler, name)
- commandsList.append(command)
- commands[name] = command
- for alias in aliases:
- commands[alias] = command
- return command
-def splitByLength(string, maxLen):
- parts = []
- currentPart = ''
- for match in re.finditer(r'\s*(\S+)', string):
- if len(match.group(0)) + len(currentPart) < maxLen:
- currentPart += match.group(0)
- else:
- parts.append(currentPart)
- currentPart = match.group(1)
- if len(currentPart):
- parts.append(currentPart)
- return parts
-def usage(scriptName, type, commandName=None):
- if commandName == None:
- global commandsList
- descriptions = []
- for command in commandsList:
- if not command.isSupported(type):
- continue
- commandText = ('%s %s' % (command.name, command.params)).ljust(39)
- descriptionParts = splitByLength(command.shortDescription, 29)
- descriptions.append(' %s [-t %s] %s %s' % (scriptName, type, commandText, descriptionParts[0]))
- for part in descriptionParts[1:]:
- descriptions.append(' %s %s %s %s' % (' ' * len(scriptName), ' ' * len(type), ' ' * len(commandText), part))
- print '''Usage:
-For details on a command run:
- %(scriptName)s [-t %(type)s] <command> --help
-''' % {
- 'scriptName': scriptName,
- 'type': type,
- 'descriptions': '\n'.join(descriptions)
- }
- else:
- global commands
- command = commands[commandName]
- description = '\n'.join(map(lambda s: '\n'.join(splitByLength(s, 80)), command.description.split('\n')))
- options = []
- for descr, short, long, value, types in command.options:
- if types != None and type not in types:
- continue
- if short == None:
- shortText = ''
- elif value == None:
- shortText = '-%s' % short
- else:
- shortText = '-%s %s' % (short, value)
- if long == None:
- longText = ''
- elif value == None:
- longText = '--%s' % long
- else:
- longText = '--%s=%s' % (long, value)
- descrParts = splitByLength(descr, 46)
- options.append(' %s %s %s' % (shortText.ljust(11), longText.ljust(19), descrParts[0]))
- for part in descrParts[1:]:
- options.append(' %s %s %s' % (' ' * 11, ' ' * 19, part))
- print '''%(scriptName)s [-t %(type)s] %(name)s %(params)s
-''' % {
- 'scriptName': scriptName,
- 'type': type,
- 'name': command.name,
- 'params': command.params,
- 'description': description,
- 'options': '\n'.join(options)
- }
+ return partial(_make_argument, *args, **kwargs)
+def argparse_command(valid_platforms=None, arguments=()):
+ def wrapper(func):
+ def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ short_desc, long_desc = func.__doc__.split(os.linesep + os.linesep, 1)
-def runBuild(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
+ ALL_COMMANDS.append({
+ 'name': func.__name__,
+ 'description': long_desc,
+ 'help_text': short_desc,
+ 'valid_platforms': valid_platforms or KNOWN_PLATFORMS,
+ 'function': func,
+ 'arguments': arguments,
+ })
+ return func_wrapper
+ return wrapper
+def make_subcommand(name, description, help_text, function, arguments):
+ new_parser = SUB_PARSERS.add_parser(
+ name, description=description, help=help_text,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ for argument in arguments:
+ argument(parser=new_parser)
+ new_parser.set_defaults(function=function)
+ return new_parser
+def build_available_subcommands(base_dir):
+ """Build subcommands, which are available for the repository in base_dir.
+ Search 'base_dir' for existing metadata.<type> files and make <type> an
+ avaible choice for the subcommands, intersected with their respective valid
+ platforms.
+ If no valid platform is found for a subcommand, it get's omitted.
+ """
+ if build_available_subcommands._result is not None:
+ # Tests might run this code multiple times, make sure the collection
+ # of platforms is only run once.
+ return build_available_subcommands._result
+ types = set()
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_dir, 'metadata.' + p)):
+ types.add(p)
+ if len(types) == 0:
+ logging.error('No metadata file found in this repository. Expecting '
+ 'one or more of {} to be present.'.format(
+ ', '.join('metadata.' + p for p in KNOWN_PLATFORMS)))
+ build_available_subcommands._result = False
+ return False
+ for command_params in ALL_COMMANDS:
+ platforms = types.intersection(command_params.pop('valid_platforms'))
+ if len(platforms) > 1:
+ command_params['arguments'] += (
+ make_argument('-t', '--type', dest='platform',
+ choices=platforms),
+ )
+ make_subcommand(**command_params)
+ elif len(platforms) == 1:
+ sub_parser = make_subcommand(**command_params)
+ sub_parser.set_defaults(platform=platforms.pop())
+ build_available_subcommands._result = True
+ return True
+build_available_subcommands._result = None
+ valid_platforms={'chrome', 'gecko', 'edge'},
+ arguments=(
+ make_argument(
+ '-b', '--build-num', dest='build_num',
+ help=('Use given build number (if omitted the build number will '
+ 'be retrieved from Mercurial)')),
+ make_argument(
+ '-k', '--key', dest='key_file',
+ help=('File containing private key and certificates required to '
+ 'sign the package')),
+ make_argument(
+ '-r', '--release', action='store_true',
+ help='Create a release build'),
+ make_argument('output_file', nargs='?')
+ )
+def build(base_dir, build_num, key_file, release, output_file, platform,
+ **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create a build.
+ Creates an extension build with given file name. If output_file is missing
+ a default name will be chosen.
+ """
kwargs = {}
- for option, value in opts:
- if option in {'-b', '--build'}:
- kwargs['buildNum'] = value
- if type != 'gecko' and not kwargs['buildNum'].isdigit():
- raise TypeError('Build number must be numerical')
- elif option in {'-k', '--key'}:
- kwargs['keyFile'] = value
- elif option in {'-r', '--release'}:
- kwargs['releaseBuild'] = True
- if len(args) > 0:
- kwargs['outFile'] = args[0]
- if type in {'chrome', 'gecko'}:
- import buildtools.packagerChrome as packager
- elif type == 'edge':
+ if platform == 'edge':
import buildtools.packagerEdge as packager
+ else:
+ import buildtools.packagerChrome as packager
+ kwargs['keyFile'] = key_file
+ kwargs['outFile'] = output_file
+ kwargs['releaseBuild'] = release
+ kwargs['buildNum'] = build_num
+ packager.createBuild(base_dir, type=platform, **kwargs)
- packager.createBuild(baseDir, type=type, **kwargs)
+ valid_platforms={'chrome', 'gecko', 'edge'}
+def devenv(base_dir, platform, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set up a development environment.
-def createDevEnv(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- if type == 'edge':
+ Will set up or update the devenv folder as an unpacked extension folder '
+ for development.
+ """
+ if platform == 'edge':
import buildtools.packagerEdge as packager
import buildtools.packagerChrome as packager
file = StringIO()
- packager.createBuild(baseDir, type=type, outFile=file, devenv=True, releaseBuild=True)
+ packager.createBuild(base_dir, type=platform, outFile=file, devenv=True,
+ releaseBuild=True)
from buildtools.packager import getDevEnvPath
- devenv_dir = getDevEnvPath(baseDir, type)
+ devenv_dir = getDevEnvPath(base_dir, platform)
shutil.rmtree(devenv_dir, ignore_errors=True)
@@ -215,129 +179,146 @@ def createDevEnv(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
-def readLocaleConfig(baseDir, type, metadata):
- if type != 'generic':
+def read_locale_config(base_dir, platform, metadata):
+ if platform != 'generic':
import buildtools.packagerChrome as packager
- localeDir = os.path.join(baseDir, '_locales')
- localeConfig = {
+ locale_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, '_locales')
+ locale_config = {
'default_locale': packager.defaultLocale,
- localeDir = os.path.join(
- baseDir, *metadata.get('locales', 'base_path').split('/')
+ locale_dir = os.path.join(
+ base_dir, *metadata.get('locales', 'base_path').split('/')
- localeConfig = {
+ locale_config = {
'default_locale': metadata.get('locales', 'default_locale')
- localeConfig['base_path'] = localeDir
+ locale_config['base_path'] = locale_dir
- locales = [(locale.replace('_', '-'), os.path.join(localeDir, locale))
- for locale in os.listdir(localeDir)]
- localeConfig['locales'] = dict(locales)
+ locales = [(locale.replace('_', '-'), os.path.join(locale_dir, locale))
+ for locale in os.listdir(locale_dir)]
+ locale_config['locales'] = dict(locales)
- return localeConfig
+ return locale_config
-def setupTranslations(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- if len(args) < 1:
- print 'Project key is required to update translation master files.'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'setuptrans')
- return
+project_key_argument = make_argument(
+ 'project_key', help='The crowdin project key.'
- key = args[0]
+ arguments=(project_key_argument, )
+def setuptrans(base_dir, project_key, platform, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set up translation languages.
+ Set up translation languages for the project on crowdin.com.
+ """
from buildtools.packager import readMetadata
- metadata = readMetadata(baseDir, type)
+ metadata = readMetadata(base_dir, platform)
basename = metadata.get('general', 'basename')
- localeConfig = readLocaleConfig(baseDir, type, metadata)
+ locale_config = read_locale_config(base_dir, platform, metadata)
import buildtools.localeTools as localeTools
- localeTools.setupTranslations(localeConfig, basename, key)
+ localeTools.setupTranslations(locale_config, basename, project_key)
-def updateTranslationMaster(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- if len(args) < 1:
- print 'Project key is required to update translation master files.'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'translate')
- return
- key = args[0]
+ arguments=(project_key_argument, )
+def translate(base_dir, project_key, platform, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Update translation master files.
+ Update the translation master files in the project on crowdin.com.
+ """
from buildtools.packager import readMetadata
- metadata = readMetadata(baseDir, type)
+ metadata = readMetadata(base_dir, platform)
basename = metadata.get('general', 'basename')
- localeConfig = readLocaleConfig(baseDir, type, metadata)
+ locale_config = read_locale_config(base_dir, platform, metadata)
- defaultLocaleDir = os.path.join(localeConfig['base_path'],
- localeConfig['default_locale'])
+ default_locale_dir = os.path.join(locale_config['base_path'],
+ locale_config['default_locale'])
import buildtools.localeTools as localeTools
- localeTools.updateTranslationMaster(localeConfig, metadata, defaultLocaleDir,
- basename, key)
+ localeTools.updateTranslationMaster(locale_config, metadata,
+ default_locale_dir, basename,
+ project_key)
-def uploadTranslations(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- if len(args) < 1:
- print 'Project key is required to upload existing translations.'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'uploadtrans')
- return
- key = args[0]
+ arguments=(project_key_argument, )
+def uploadtrans(base_dir, project_key, platform, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Upload existing translations.
+ Upload already existing translations to the project on crowdin.com.
+ """
from buildtools.packager import readMetadata
- metadata = readMetadata(baseDir, type)
+ metadata = readMetadata(base_dir, platform)
basename = metadata.get('general', 'basename')
- localeConfig = readLocaleConfig(baseDir, type, metadata)
+ locale_config = read_locale_config(base_dir, platform, metadata)
import buildtools.localeTools as localeTools
- for locale, localeDir in localeConfig['locales'].iteritems():
- if locale != localeConfig['default_locale'].replace('_', '-'):
- localeTools.uploadTranslations(localeConfig, metadata, localeDir, locale,
- basename, key)
+ for locale, locale_dir in locale_config['locales'].iteritems():
+ if locale != locale_config['default_locale'].replace('_', '-'):
+ localeTools.uploadTranslations(locale_config, metadata, locale_dir,
+ locale, basename, project_key)
-def getTranslations(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- if len(args) < 1:
- print 'Project key is required to update translation master files.'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'translate')
- return
- key = args[0]
+ arguments=(project_key_argument, )
+def gettranslations(base_dir, project_key, platform, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Download translation updates.
+ Download updated translations from crowdin.com.
+ """
from buildtools.packager import readMetadata
- metadata = readMetadata(baseDir, type)
+ metadata = readMetadata(base_dir, platform)
basename = metadata.get('general', 'basename')
- localeConfig = readLocaleConfig(baseDir, type, metadata)
+ locale_config = read_locale_config(base_dir, platform, metadata)
import buildtools.localeTools as localeTools
- localeTools.getTranslations(localeConfig, basename, key)
+ localeTools.getTranslations(locale_config, basename, project_key)
-def generateDocs(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- if len(args) == 0:
- print 'No target directory specified for the documentation'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'docs')
- return
- targetDir = args[0]
+ valid_platforms={'chrome'},
+ arguments=(
+ make_argument('target_dir'),
+ make_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='Suppress JsDoc output'),
+ )
+def docs(base_dir, target_dir, quiet, platform, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Generate documentation (requires node.js).
- source_dir = os.path.join(baseDir, 'lib')
- sources = [source_dir]
+ Generate documentation files and write them into the specified directory.
+ """
+ source_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'lib')
- # JSDoc struggles wih huge objects: https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/issues/976
- if type == 'chrome':
- sources = [os.path.join(source_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(source_dir) if filename != 'publicSuffixList.js']
+ # JSDoc struggles wih huge objects:
+ # https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/issues/976
+ sources = [os.path.join(source_dir, filename)
+ for filename in os.listdir(source_dir)
+ if filename != 'publicSuffixList.js']
buildtools_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
config = os.path.join(buildtools_path, 'jsdoc.conf')
- command = ['npm', 'run-script', 'jsdoc', '--', '--destination', targetDir,
+ command = ['npm', 'run-script', 'jsdoc', '--', '--destination', target_dir,
'--configure', config] + sources
- if any(opt in {'-q', '--quiet'} for opt, _ in opts):
+ if quiet:
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=buildtools_path)
stderr = process.communicate()[1]
@@ -349,167 +330,71 @@ def generateDocs(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=buildtools_path)
-def runReleaseAutomation(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
- keyFile = None
- downloadsRepo = os.path.join(baseDir, '..', 'downloads')
- for option, value in opts:
- if option in {'-k', '--key'}:
- keyFile = value
- elif option in {'-d', '--downloads'}:
- downloadsRepo = value
+def valid_version_format(value):
+ if re.search(r'[^\d\.]', value):
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Wrong version number format')
- if len(args) == 0:
- print 'No version number specified for the release'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'release')
- return
- version = args[0]
- if re.search(r'[^\d\.]', version):
- print 'Wrong version number format'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'release')
- return
+ return value
- if type == 'chrome' and keyFile is None:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: you must specify a key file for this release'
- usage(scriptName, type, 'release')
+ valid_platforms={'chrome', 'edge'},
+ arguments=(
+ make_argument(
+ '-k', '--key', dest='key_file',
+ help=('File containing private key and certificates required to '
+ 'sign the release.')),
+ make_argument(
+ '-d', '--downloads-repository', dest='downloads_repository',
+ help=('Directory containing downloads repository (if omitted '
+ '../downloads is assumed)')),
+ make_argument(
+ 'version', help='Version number of the release',
+ type=valid_version_format)
+ )
+def release(base_dir, downloads_repository, key_file, platform, version,
+ **kwargs):
+ """
+ Run release automation.
+ Note: If you are not the project owner then you probably don't want to run
+ this!
+ Run release automation: create downloads for the new version, tag source
+ code repository as well as downloads and buildtools repository.
+ """
+ if downloads_repository is None:
+ downloads_repository = os.path.join(base_dir, os.pardir, 'downloads')
+ if platform == 'chrome' and key_file is None:
+ logging.error('You must specify a key file for this release')
import buildtools.releaseAutomation as releaseAutomation
- releaseAutomation.run(baseDir, type, version, keyFile, downloadsRepo)
+ releaseAutomation.run(base_dir, platform, version, key_file,
+ downloads_repository)
+def updatepsl(base_dir, **kwargs):
+ """Update Public Suffix List.
-def updatePSL(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
+ Downloads Public Suffix List (see http://publicsuffix.org/) and generates
+ lib/publicSuffixList.js from it.
+ """
import buildtools.publicSuffixListUpdater as publicSuffixListUpdater
- publicSuffixListUpdater.updatePSL(baseDir)
-with addCommand(lambda baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type: usage(scriptName, type), ('help', '-h', '--help')) as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Show this message'
-with addCommand(runBuild, 'build') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Create a build'
- command.description = 'Creates an extension build with given file name. If output_file is missing a default name will be chosen.'
- command.params = '[options] [output_file]'
- command.addOption('Use given build number (if omitted the build number will be retrieved from Mercurial)', short='b', long='build', value='num')
- command.addOption('File containing private key and certificates required to sign the package', short='k', long='key', value='file', types={'chrome'})
- command.addOption('Create a release build', short='r', long='release')
- command.supportedTypes = {'gecko', 'chrome', 'edge'}
-with addCommand(createDevEnv, 'devenv') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Set up a development environment'
- command.description = 'Will set up or update the devenv folder as an unpacked extension folder for development.'
- command.supportedTypes = {'gecko', 'chrome', 'edge'}
-with addCommand(setupTranslations, 'setuptrans') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Sets up translation languages'
- command.description = 'Sets up translation languages for the project on crowdin.net.'
- command.params = '[options] project-key'
-with addCommand(updateTranslationMaster, 'translate') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Updates translation master files'
- command.description = 'Updates the translation master files in the project on crowdin.net.'
- command.params = '[options] project-key'
-with addCommand(uploadTranslations, 'uploadtrans') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Uploads existing translations'
- command.description = 'Uploads already existing translations to the project on crowdin.net.'
- command.params = '[options] project-key'
-with addCommand(getTranslations, 'gettranslations') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Downloads translation updates'
- command.description = 'Downloads updated translations from crowdin.net.'
- command.params = '[options] project-key'
-with addCommand(generateDocs, 'docs') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Generate documentation (requires node.js)'
- command.description = ('Generate documentation files and write them into '
- 'the specified directory.')
- command.addOption('Suppress JsDoc output', short='q', long='quiet')
- command.params = '[options] <directory>'
- command.supportedTypes = {'chrome'}
-with addCommand(runReleaseAutomation, 'release') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Run release automation'
- command.description = 'Note: If you are not the project owner then you ' "probably don't want to run this!\n\n" 'Runs release automation: creates downloads for the new version, tags ' 'source code repository as well as downloads and buildtools repository.'
- command.addOption('File containing private key and certificates required to sign the release.', short='k', long='key', value='file', types={'chrome', 'edge'})
- command.addOption('Directory containing downloads repository (if omitted ../downloads is assumed)', short='d', long='downloads', value='dir')
- command.params = '[options] <version>'
- command.supportedTypes = {'chrome', 'edge'}
-with addCommand(updatePSL, 'updatepsl') as command:
- command.shortDescription = 'Updates Public Suffix List'
- command.description = 'Downloads Public Suffix List (see http://publicsuffix.org/) and generates lib/publicSuffixList.js from it.'
- command.supportedTypes = {'chrome'}
-def getType(baseDir, scriptName, args):
- # Look for an explicit type parameter (has to be the first parameter)
- if len(args) >= 2 and args[0] == '-t':
- type = args[1]
- del args[1]
- del args[0]
- if type not in knownTypes:
- print '''
-Unknown type %s specified, supported types are: %s
-''' % (type, ', '.join(knownTypes))
- return None
- return type
- # Try to guess repository type
- types = []
- for t in knownTypes:
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(baseDir, 'metadata.%s' % t)):
- types.append(t)
- if len(types) == 1:
- return types[0]
- elif len(types) > 1:
- print '''
-Ambiguous repository type, please specify -t parameter explicitly, e.g.
-%s -t %s build
-''' % (scriptName, types[0])
- return None
- else:
- print '''
-No metadata file found in this repository, a metadata file like
-metadata.* is required.
- return None
+ publicSuffixListUpdater.updatePSL(base_dir)
-def processArgs(baseDir, args):
- global commands
+def process_args(base_dir, *args):
+ if build_available_subcommands(base_dir):
+ MAIN_PARSER.set_defaults(base_dir=base_dir)
- scriptName = os.path.basename(args[0])
- args = args[1:]
- type = getType(baseDir, scriptName, args)
- if type == None:
- return
+ # If no args are provided, this module is run directly from the command
+ # line. argparse will take care of consuming sys.argv.
+ arguments = MAIN_PARSER.parse_args(args if len(args) > 0 else None)
- if len(args) == 0:
- args = ['build']
- print '''
-No command given, assuming "build". For a list of commands run:
- %s help
-''' % scriptName
- command = args[0]
- if command in commands:
- if commands[command].isSupported(type):
- try:
- opts, args = commands[command].parseArgs(type, args[1:])
- except GetoptError as e:
- print str(e)
- usage(scriptName, type, command)
- sys.exit(2)
- for option, value in opts:
- if option in {'-h', '--help'}:
- usage(scriptName, type, command)
- sys.exit()
- commands[command](baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type)
- else:
- print 'Command %s is not supported for this application type' % command
- usage(scriptName, type)
- else:
- print 'Command %s is unrecognized' % command
- usage(scriptName, type)
+ function = arguments.function
+ del arguments.function
+ function(**vars(arguments))
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