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Unified Diff: templates/default.tmpl

Issue 29611624: Issue 6047 - Updated templates and uninstalled pages (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/web.adblockplus.org
Patch Set: Addressed comments Created Dec. 8, 2017, 4:48 p.m.
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Index: templates/default.tmpl
--- a/templates/default.tmpl
+++ b/templates/default.tmpl
@@ -11,115 +11,31 @@
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Adblock Plus. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="{{locale}}" dir="{{"rtl" if config.has_option("rtl", locale) else "ltr"}}" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://schema.org/WebPage" class="no-js">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
- <title>{{title|translate("title", "meta")}}</title>
- {% if description %}
- <meta name="description" content="{{description|translate("description", "meta")}}">
- {% endif %}
- <link rel="canonical" href="{{ get_canonical_url(page | ignore_browsers) }}">
+<html <? include html-attributes ?>>
- {# facebook / Open Graph http://ogp.me/ #}
- <meta property="og:image" content="{{og_image if og_image else '/img/adblockplus_promo.png'}}" />
- <meta property="og:title" content="{{ title | translate("title") }}">
- {% if description %}
- <meta property="og:description" content="{{ description | translate("description") }}">
- {% endif %}
- <meta property="og:locale" content="{{ locale | to_og_locale }}">
- {% for alternate_locale in available_locales %}
- {% if alternate_locale != locale %}
- <meta property="og:locale:alternate" content="{{ alternate_locale | to_og_locale }}">
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- <meta property="og:url" content="{{ config.get("general", "siteurl") }}{{ source.resolve_link(page | ignore_browsers, locale)[1] }}">
- {# twitter https://dev.twitter.com/cards/markup #}
- <meta name="twitter:site" content="@AdblockPlus" />
- <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@AdblockPlus" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/defaults.css" class="cssfx">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" class="cssfx">
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/img/favicon-large.png" />
- <!--[if IE 8]>
- <script src="/js/vendor/ie8.js"></script>
- <![endif]-->
+ <head>
+ <? include meta/standard ?>
+ <? include meta/social ?>
+ <? include styles ?>
+ <? include polyfills ?>
{% block head %}
- {{head|safe}}
+ {{head|safe}}
{% endblock %}
- <!--[if lt IE 9]>
- <script src="/js/vendor/html5shiv.js"></script>
- <script src="/js/vendor/respond.min.js"></script>
- <script src="/js/vendor/classList.js"></script>
- <![endif]-->
- <!--[if lt IE 10]>
- <script src="/js/vendor/cssfx.min.js"></script>
- <![endif]-->
- <!--[if IE 8]>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/empty.css" class="cssfx"/>
- <![endif]-->
- {% macro pageitem(name) %}
- {% if name == page %}
- <li class="selected">{{get_string(name, "menu")}}</li>
- {% else %}
- <li>{{name|linkify}}{{get_string(name, "menu")}}</a></li>
- {% endif %}
- {% endmacro %}
- <nav id="navbar">
- <div class="container">
- {{ "index" | linkify(id="navbar-logo") }}
- <img
- src="/img/navbar-logo.png"
- srcset="/img/navbar-logo.svg 2x">
- <span>{{ "Adblock <strong>Plus</strong>" | translate("navbar-logo-text", "Navbar logo text") }}</span>
- </a>
- <a href="#" id="navbar-menu-toggle">
- <img
- src="/img/menu-toggle.png"
- srcset="/img/menu-toggle.svg 2x">
- </a>
- <ul id="navbar-menu">
- {% for pagename in ["about", "features", "bugs", "contribute"] %}
- <li>
- {{ pagename | linkify }}{{ get_string(pagename, "menu") }}</a>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- <li id="navbar-locale-menubar">
- <a href="#" id="navbar-locale-selected">
- {{ config.get("langnames", locale) }} ({{ locale | to_og_locale | to_og_location }})
- </a>
- <ul id="navbar-locale-menu">
- {% for available_locale in available_locales %}
- <li>
- {{ page | linkify(available_locale) }}
- {{ config.get("langnames", available_locale) }} ({{ available_locale | to_og_locale | to_og_location }})
- </a>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>{# #navbar-locale-menu #}
- </li>
- </ul>{# #navbar-menu #}
- </div>{# .container #}
- </nav>{# #navbar #}
+ <? include navbar ?>
<div id="content" class="container content {{ localefile == "index" and page }}">
{% if abbnotification %}
<? include abb-notification ?>
{% endif %}
{% if not noheading %}
{% endif %}
@@ -140,83 +56,16 @@
{% if toclist %}
<div class="toc">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% block body %}
- {{body|safe}}
+ {{body|safe}}
{% endblock %}
- <footer id="footer" class="content">
- <div class="container">
- <div class="row">
- <nav class="column one-fourth">
- <h5>{{ get_string("resources", "menu") }}</h5>
- <ul>
- {% for pagename in ["acceptable-ads", "documentation", "deployments"] %}
- <li>{{ pagename | linkify }}{{ get_string(pagename, "menu") }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- </nav>
- <nav class="column one-fourth">
- <h5>{{ get_string("community", "menu") }}</h5>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="/releases/" hreflang="en">{{get_string("releases", "menu")}}</a></li>
- <li><a href="/blog/" hreflang="en">{{get_string("blog", "menu")}}</a></li>
- <li><a href="/forum/" hreflang="en">{{get_string("forum", "menu")}}</a></li>
- {{ pageitem("development-builds") }}
- </ul>
- </nav>
- <nav class="column one-fourth">
- <h5>{{get_string("development", "menu")}}</h5>
- <ul>
- {{ pageitem("source") }}
- <li><a href="https://issues.adblockplus.org/report/13" hreflang="en">{{ get_string("roadmap", "menu") }}</a></li>
- {{ pageitem("tools") }}
- <li><a href="https://eyeo.com/jobs/" hreflang="en">{{ get_string("jobs", "menu") }}</a></li>
- </ul>
- </nav>
- <nav id="social-list" class="column one-fourth">
- <h5>{{get_string("follow-us", "menu")}}</h5>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="https://twitter.com/AdblockPlus" target="_blank">
- <img
- src="/img/footer-twitter-glyphicon.png"
- alt="{{ "Twitter" | translate("twitter-alt", "Twitter glyphicon alt text")}}">
- </a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/AdblockPlusOfficial" target="_blank">
- <img src="/img/footer-youtube-glyphicon.png">
- </a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="https://www.facebook.com/adblockplus" target="_blank">
- <img src="/img/footer-facebook-glyphicon.png">
- </a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="https://www.instagram.com/adblockplus/" target="_blank">
- <img src="/img/footer-instagram-glyphicon.png">
- </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </nav>
- </div> {# .row #}
- <div id="footer-legal">
- <p id="copyright-notice">{{ "Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved. Adblock Plus<sup>®</sup> is a registered trademark of <a href='https://eyeo.com'>eyeo GmbH</a>." | translate("copyright-notice", "Footer copyright notice") }}</p>
- <ul id="legal-list">
- {% for pagename in ["terms", "privacy", "impressum"] %}
- <li>{{ pagename | linkify }}{{ get_string(pagename, "menu") }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- </div> {# #footer-legal #}
- </div> {# .container #}
- </footer> {# #footer #}
- <script src="/js/main.js"></script>
+ <? include footer ?>
+ <? include scripts ?>
« static/css/main.css ('K') | « static/js/uninstalled.js ('k') | templates/minimal.tmpl » ('j') | no next file with comments »

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