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Issue 29984580: Issue 4413 - Merge formmail.py and formmail2.py (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/sitescripts/
Patch Set: Created Jan. 17, 2019, 8:42 a.m.
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Index: sitescripts/formmail/test/test_formmail2.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sitescripts/formmail/test/test_formmail2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of the Adblock Plus web scripts,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-present eyeo GmbH
-# Adblock Plus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# Adblock Plus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Adblock Plus. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from urllib import urlencode
-from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError
-from csv import DictReader
-import pytest
-from wsgi_intercept import (urllib_intercept, add_wsgi_intercept,
- remove_wsgi_intercept)
-from sitescripts.formmail.web import formmail2
-HOST = 'test.local'
-LOG_PORT = 80
-def log_path(tmpdir):
- return str(tmpdir.join('test.csv_log'))
-def log_form_config():
- return formmail2.conf_parse(formmail2.get_config_items())['test']
-def form_config():
- config = formmail2.conf_parse(formmail2.get_config_items())['test']
- del config['csv_log']
- return config
-def form_handler(log_path, form_config, log_form_config):
- """ Create two handlers, one that logs and another that doesn't """
- log_form_config['csv_log'].value = log_path
- return (formmail2.make_handler('test', log_form_config)[1],
- formmail2.make_handler('test', form_config)[1])
-# We make this a fixture instead of a constant so we can modify it in each
-# test as needed without affecting other tests.
-def form_data():
- return {
- 'email': 'john_doe@gmail.com',
- 'mandatory': 'john_doe@gmail.com',
- 'non_mandatory_message': 'Once upon a time\nthere lived a king.',
- 'non_mandatory_email': 'test@test.com',
- }
-def response_for(form_handler):
- """ Registers two intercepts, returns responses for them based on bool """
- urllib_intercept.install_opener()
- add_wsgi_intercept(HOST, LOG_PORT, lambda: form_handler[0])
- add_wsgi_intercept(HOST, NO_LOG_PORT, lambda: form_handler[1])
- def response_for(data, log=False):
- if log:
- url = 'http://{}:{}'.format(HOST, LOG_PORT)
- else:
- url = 'http://{}:{}'.format(HOST, NO_LOG_PORT)
- if data is None:
- response = urlopen(url)
- else:
- response = urlopen(url, urlencode(data))
- return response.code, response.read()
- yield response_for
- remove_wsgi_intercept()
-def sm_mock(mocker):
- return mocker.patch('sitescripts.formmail.web.formmail2.sendMail')
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('key,message', [
- ('url', 'No URL configured for form handler: test'),
- ('fields', 'No fields configured for form handler: test'),
- ('template', 'No template configured for form handler: test'),
-def test_config_errors(key, message, form_config):
- del form_config[key]
- with pytest.raises(Exception) as error:
- formmail2.make_handler('test', form_config)[1]
- assert error.value.message == message
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('field,message', [
- (('new_field', 'foo'), 'Unexpected field/fields: new_field'),
- (('mandatory', ''), 'No mandatory entered'),
- (('non_mandatory_email', 'asfaf'), 'Invalid email'),
- (('email', 'asfaf'), 'You failed the email validation'),
- (('email', ''), 'You failed the email test'),
-def test_http_errs(field, message, response_for, form_data, sm_mock):
- key, value = field
- form_data[key] = value
- with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as error:
- response_for(form_data)
- assert error.value.read() == message
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('field,expected', [
- (('non_mandatory_message', '\xc3\xb6'), (200, '')),
- (('non_mandatory_message', ''), (200, '')),
-def test_success(field, expected, log_path, response_for, form_data, sm_mock):
- key, value = field
- form_data[key] = value
- assert response_for(form_data, log=False) == expected
- assert sm_mock.call_count == 1
- params = sm_mock.call_args[0][1]['fields']
- assert set(params.keys()) == set(form_data.keys())
- for key, value in form_data.items():
- assert params[key] == value.decode('utf8')
- assert response_for(form_data, log=True) == expected
- assert sm_mock.call_count == 2
- assert response_for(form_data, log=True) == expected
- assert sm_mock.call_count == 3
- with open(log_path) as log_file:
- reader = DictReader(log_file)
- row = reader.next()
- # rows should not be equal because the time field
- # is added by the logging function.
- assert row != reader.next()
-def test_config_field_errors(form_config):
- form_config['fields'] = {}
- with pytest.raises(Exception) as error:
- formmail2.make_handler('test', form_config)[1]
- assert error.value.message == 'No fields configured for form handler: test'
-def test_config_template_errors(form_config):
- form_config['template'].value = 'no'
- with pytest.raises(Exception) as error:
- formmail2.make_handler('test', form_config)[1]
- assert error.value.message == 'Template not found at: no'
-def test_config_parse(form_config):
- assert form_config['url'].value == 'test/apply/submit'
- assert form_config['fields']['email'].value == 'mandatory, email'
-def test_sendmail_fail(log_path, response_for, form_data, sm_mock):
- sm_mock.side_effect = Exception('Sendmail Fail')
- with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
- response_for(form_data, log=True)
- with open(log_path) as log_file:
- row = DictReader(log_file).next()
- assert row != form_data
-def test_append_field_err(form_config, form_data, log_path):
- """ Checks that error logs are correctly written and appended
- Submits three forms, the second two have different fields to the first
- and should be added to the same log file as each other, and be identical
- """
- formmail2.log_formdata(form_data, log_path)
- del form_data['email']
- # submit two forms with fields that dont match the config
- # this should append the second form to the error log file
- with pytest.raises(Exception):
- formmail2.log_formdata(form_data, log_path)
- with pytest.raises(Exception):
- formmail2.log_formdata(form_data, log_path)
- with open(log_path + '_error') as error_log:
- reader = DictReader(error_log)
- assert reader.next() == form_data
- assert reader.next() == form_data
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