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Unified Diff: assets/js/Synchronizer.jsm

Issue 8482109: ABP/Android JavaScript code (Closed)
Patch Set: ABP/Android JavaScript code Created Nov. 12, 2012, 9:32 a.m.
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Index: assets/js/Synchronizer.jsm
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/Synchronizer.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ * This Source Code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License
+ * version 2.0 (the "License"). You can obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ */
+// This file has been generated automatically from Adblock Plus source code
+(function (_patchFunc5) {
+ const SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60;
+ var XMLHttpRequest = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1", "nsIJSXMLHttpRequest");
+ var timer = null;
+ var executing = {
+ __proto__: null
+ };
+ var Synchronizer = {
+ startup: function () {
+ var callback = function () {
+ checkSubscriptions();
+ }
+ ;
+ timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+ }
+ ,
+ isExecuting: function (url) {
+ return url in executing;
+ }
+ ,
+ execute: function (subscription, manual, forceDownload) {
+ Utils.runAsync(this.executeInternal, this, subscription, manual, forceDownload);
+ }
+ ,
+ executeInternal: function (subscription, manual, forceDownload) {
+ var url = subscription.url;
+ if (url in executing)
+ return ;
+ var newURL = subscription.nextURL;
+ var hadTemporaryRedirect = false;
+ subscription.nextURL = null;
+ var curVersion = Utils.addonVersion;
+ var loadFrom = newURL;
+ var isBaseLocation = true;
+ if (!loadFrom)
+ loadFrom = url;
+ if (loadFrom == url) {
+ if (subscription.alternativeLocations) {
+ var options = [[1, url]];
+ var totalWeight = 1;
+ for (var _loopIndex0 = 0;
+ _loopIndex0 < subscription.alternativeLocations.split(",").length; ++ _loopIndex0) {
+ var alternative = subscription.alternativeLocations.split(",")[_loopIndex0];
+ if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(alternative))
+ continue;
+ var weight = 1;
+ var weightingRegExp = /;q=([\d\.]+)$/;
+ if (weightingRegExp.test(alternative)) {
+ weight = parseFloat(RegExp["$1"]);
+ if (isNaN(weight) || !isFinite(weight) || weight < 0)
+ weight = 1;
+ if (weight > 10)
+ weight = 10;
+ alternative = alternative.replace(weightingRegExp, "");
+ }
+ options.push([weight, alternative]);
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ }
+ var choice = Math.random() * totalWeight;
+ for (var _loopIndex1 = 0;
+ _loopIndex1 < options.length; ++ _loopIndex1) {
+ var weight = options[_loopIndex1][0];
+ var alternative = options[_loopIndex1][1];
+ choice -= weight;
+ if (choice < 0) {
+ loadFrom = alternative;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ isBaseLocation = (loadFrom == url);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ forceDownload = true;
+ }
+ loadFrom = loadFrom.replace(/%VERSION%/, "ABP" + curVersion);
+ var request = null;
+ function errorCallback(error) {
+ var channelStatus = -1;
+ try {
+ channelStatus = request.channel.status;
+ }
+ catch (e){}
+ var responseStatus = "";
+ try {
+ responseStatus = request.channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel).responseStatus;
+ }
+ catch (e){}
+ setError(subscription, error, channelStatus, responseStatus, loadFrom, isBaseLocation, manual);
+ }
+ try {
+ request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.mozBackgroundRequest = true;
+ request.open("GET", loadFrom);
+ }
+ catch (e){
+ errorCallback("synchronize_invalid_url");
+ return ;
+ }
+ try {
+ request.overrideMimeType("text/plain");
+ request.channel.loadFlags = request.channel.loadFlags | request.channel.INHIBIT_CACHING | request.channel.VALIDATE_ALWAYS;
+ if (request.channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)
+ request.channel.redirectionLimit = 5;
+ var oldNotifications = request.channel.notificationCallbacks;
+ var oldEventSink = null;
+ request.channel.notificationCallbacks = {
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor, Ci.nsIChannelEventSink]),
+ getInterface: function (iid) {
+ if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIChannelEventSink)) {
+ try {
+ oldEventSink = oldNotifications.QueryInterface(iid);
+ }
+ catch (e){}
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (oldNotifications)
+ return oldNotifications.QueryInterface(iid);
+ else
+ }
+ ,
+ onChannelRedirect: function (oldChannel, newChannel, flags) {
+ if (isBaseLocation && !hadTemporaryRedirect && oldChannel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) {
+ try {
+ subscription.alternativeLocations = oldChannel.getResponseHeader("X-Alternative-Locations");
+ }
+ catch (e){
+ subscription.alternativeLocations = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & Ci.nsIChannelEventSink.REDIRECT_TEMPORARY)
+ hadTemporaryRedirect = true;
+ else
+ if (!hadTemporaryRedirect)
+ newURL = newChannel.URI.spec;
+ if (oldEventSink)
+ oldEventSink.onChannelRedirect(oldChannel, newChannel, flags);
+ }
+ ,
+ asyncOnChannelRedirect: function (oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback) {
+ this.onChannelRedirect(oldChannel, newChannel, flags);
+ callback.onRedirectVerifyCallback(Cr.NS_OK);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ catch (e){
+ Cu.reportError(e);
+ }
+ if (subscription.lastModified && !forceDownload)
+ request.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", subscription.lastModified);
+ request.addEventListener("error", function (ev) {
+ delete executing[url];
+ try {
+ request.channel.notificationCallbacks = null;
+ }
+ catch (e){}
+ errorCallback("synchronize_connection_error");
+ }
+ , false);
+ request.addEventListener("load", function (ev) {
+ delete executing[url];
+ try {
+ request.channel.notificationCallbacks = null;
+ }
+ catch (e){}
+ if (request.status && request.status != 200 && request.status != 304) {
+ errorCallback("synchronize_connection_error");
+ return ;
+ }
+ var newFilters = null;
+ if (request.status != 304) {
+ newFilters = readFilters(subscription, request.responseText, errorCallback);
+ if (!newFilters)
+ return ;
+ subscription.lastModified = request.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
+ }
+ if (isBaseLocation && !hadTemporaryRedirect)
+ subscription.alternativeLocations = request.getResponseHeader("X-Alternative-Locations");
+ subscription.lastSuccess = subscription.lastDownload = Math.round(Date.now() / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);
+ subscription.downloadStatus = "synchronize_ok";
+ subscription.errors = 0;
+ var now = Math.round((new Date(request.getResponseHeader("Date")).getTime() || Date.now()) / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);
+ var expires = Math.round(new Date(request.getResponseHeader("Expires")).getTime() / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND) || 0;
+ var expirationInterval = (expires ? expires - now : 0);
+ for (var _loopIndex2 = 0;
+ _loopIndex2 < (newFilters || subscription.filters).length; ++ _loopIndex2) {
+ var filter = (newFilters || subscription.filters)[_loopIndex2];
+ if (filter instanceof CommentFilter && /\bExpires\s*(?::|after)\s*(\d+)\s*(h)?/i.test(filter.text)) {
+ var interval = parseInt(RegExp["$1"]);
+ if (RegExp["$2"])
+ interval *= SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
+ else
+ interval *= SECONDS_IN_DAY;
+ if (interval > expirationInterval)
+ expirationInterval = interval;
+ }
+ }
+ expirationInterval = Math.min(Math.max(expirationInterval, MIN_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL), MAX_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL);
+ subscription.expires = (subscription.lastDownload + expirationInterval * 2);
+ subscription.softExpiration = (subscription.lastDownload + Math.round(expirationInterval * (Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8)));
+ if (newFilters) {
+ for (var i = 0;
+ i < newFilters.length; i++) {
+ var filter = newFilters[i];
+ if (filter instanceof CommentFilter && /^!\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*)/.test(filter.text)) {
+ var keyword = RegExp["$1"].toLowerCase();
+ var value = RegExp["$2"];
+ var known = true;
+ if (keyword == "redirect") {
+ if (isBaseLocation && value != url)
+ subscription.nextURL = value;
+ }
+ else
+ if (keyword == "homepage") {
+ var uri = Utils.makeURI(value);
+ if (uri && (uri.scheme == "http" || uri.scheme == "https"))
+ subscription.homepage = uri.spec;
+ }
+ else
+ known = false;
+ if (known)
+ newFilters.splice(i--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isBaseLocation && newURL && newURL != url) {
+ var listed = (subscription.url in FilterStorage.knownSubscriptions);
+ if (listed)
+ FilterStorage.removeSubscription(subscription);
+ url = newURL;
+ var newSubscription = Subscription.fromURL(url);
+ for (var key in newSubscription)
+ delete newSubscription[key];
+ for (var key in subscription)
+ newSubscription[key] = subscription[key];
+ delete Subscription.knownSubscriptions[subscription.url];
+ newSubscription.oldSubscription = subscription;
+ subscription = newSubscription;
+ subscription.url = url;
+ if (!(subscription.url in FilterStorage.knownSubscriptions) && listed)
+ FilterStorage.addSubscription(subscription);
+ }
+ if (newFilters)
+ FilterStorage.updateSubscriptionFilters(subscription, newFilters);
+ delete subscription.oldSubscription;
+ }
+ , false);
+ executing[url] = true;
+ FilterNotifier.triggerListeners("subscription.downloadStatus", subscription);
+ try {
+ request.send(null);
+ }
+ catch (e){
+ delete executing[url];
+ errorCallback("synchronize_connection_error");
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function checkSubscriptions() {
+ if (!Prefs.subscriptions_autoupdate)
+ return ;
+ var time = Math.round(Date.now() / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);
+ for (var _loopIndex3 = 0;
+ _loopIndex3 < FilterStorage.subscriptions.length; ++ _loopIndex3) {
+ var subscription = FilterStorage.subscriptions[_loopIndex3];
+ if (!(subscription instanceof DownloadableSubscription))
+ continue;
+ if (subscription.lastCheck && time - subscription.lastCheck > MAX_ABSENSE_INTERVAL) {
+ subscription.softExpiration += time - subscription.lastCheck;
+ }
+ subscription.lastCheck = time;
+ if (subscription.expires - time > MAX_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL)
+ subscription.expires = time + MAX_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL;
+ if (subscription.softExpiration - time > MAX_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL)
+ subscription.softExpiration = time + MAX_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL;
+ if (subscription.softExpiration > time && subscription.expires > time)
+ continue;
+ if (time - subscription.lastDownload >= MIN_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL)
+ Synchronizer.execute(subscription, false);
+ }
+ }
+ function readFilters(subscription, text, errorCallback) {
+ var lines = text.split(/[\r\n]+/);
+ if (!/\[Adblock(?:\s*Plus\s*([\d\.]+)?)?\]/i.test(lines[0])) {
+ errorCallback("synchronize_invalid_data");
+ return null;
+ }
+ var minVersion = RegExp["$1"];
+ for (var i = 0;
+ i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if (/!\s*checksum[\s\-:]+([\w\+\/]+)/i.test(lines[i])) {
+ lines.splice(i, 1);
+ var checksumExpected = RegExp["$1"];
+ var checksum = Utils.generateChecksum(lines);
+ if (checksum && checksum != checksumExpected) {
+ errorCallback("synchronize_checksum_mismatch");
+ return null;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ delete subscription.requiredVersion;
+ delete subscription.upgradeRequired;
+ if (minVersion) {
+ subscription.requiredVersion = minVersion;
+ if (Utils.versionComparator.compare(minVersion, Utils.addonVersion) > 0)
+ subscription.upgradeRequired = true;
+ }
+ lines.shift();
+ var result = [];
+ for (var _loopIndex4 = 0;
+ _loopIndex4 < lines.length; ++ _loopIndex4) {
+ var line = lines[_loopIndex4];
+ var filter = Filter.fromText(Filter.normalize(line));
+ if (filter)
+ result.push(filter);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function setError(subscription, error, channelStatus, responseStatus, downloadURL, isBaseLocation, manual) {
+ if (!isBaseLocation)
+ subscription.alternativeLocations = null;
+ try {
+ Cu.reportError("Adblock Plus: Downloading filter subscription " + subscription.title + " failed (" + Utils.getString(error) + ")\n" + "Download address: " + downloadURL + "\n" + "Channel status: " + channelStatus + "\n" + "Server response: " + responseStatus);
+ }
+ catch (e){}
+ subscription.lastDownload = Math.round(Date.now() / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);
+ subscription.downloadStatus = error;
+ if (!manual) {
+ if (error == "synchronize_checksum_mismatch") {
+ subscription.errors = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ subscription.errors++;
+ if (subscription.errors >= Prefs.subscriptions_fallbackerrors && /^https?:\/\//i.test(subscription.url)) {
+ subscription.errors = 0;
+ var fallbackURL = Prefs.subscriptions_fallbackurl;
+ fallbackURL = fallbackURL.replace(/%VERSION%/g, encodeURIComponent(Utils.addonVersion));
+ fallbackURL = fallbackURL.replace(/%SUBSCRIPTION%/g, encodeURIComponent(subscription.url));
+ fallbackURL = fallbackURL.replace(/%URL%/g, encodeURIComponent(downloadURL));
+ fallbackURL = fallbackURL.replace(/%ERROR%/g, encodeURIComponent(error));
+ fallbackURL = fallbackURL.replace(/%CHANNELSTATUS%/g, encodeURIComponent(channelStatus));
+ fallbackURL = fallbackURL.replace(/%RESPONSESTATUS%/g, encodeURIComponent(responseStatus));
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.mozBackgroundRequest = true;
+ request.open("GET", fallbackURL);
+ request.overrideMimeType("text/plain");
+ request.channel.loadFlags = request.channel.loadFlags | request.channel.INHIBIT_CACHING | request.channel.VALIDATE_ALWAYS;
+ request.addEventListener("load", function (ev) {
+ if (!(subscription.url in FilterStorage.knownSubscriptions))
+ return ;
+ if (/^301\s+(\S+)/.test(request.responseText))
+ subscription.nextURL = RegExp["$1"];
+ else
+ if (/^410\b/.test(request.responseText)) {
+ var data = "[Adblock]\n" + subscription.filters.map(function (f) {
+ return f.text;
+ }).join("\n");
+ var url = "data:text/plain," + encodeURIComponent(data);
+ var newSubscription = Subscription.fromURL(url);
+ newSubscription.title = subscription.title;
+ newSubscription.disabled = subscription.disabled;
+ FilterStorage.removeSubscription(subscription);
+ FilterStorage.addSubscription(newSubscription);
+ Synchronizer.execute(newSubscription);
+ }
+ }
+ , false);
+ request.send(null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof _patchFunc5 != "undefined")
+ eval("(" + _patchFunc5.toString() + ")()");
+ window.Synchronizer = Synchronizer;

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