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Unified Diff: compiled/bindings.ipp

Issue 29398669: Issue 5063 - [emscripten] Make FilterNotifier calls more efficient (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/adblockpluscore
Patch Set: Removed newValue and oldValue parameters Created April 15, 2017, 3:05 p.m.
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Index: compiled/bindings.ipp
--- a/compiled/bindings.ipp
+++ b/compiled/bindings.ipp
@@ -468,25 +468,19 @@ namespace bindings_internal
auto it = classes.find(call.pointerType);
if (it == classes.end())
throw std::runtime_error("Function " + std::string(call.name) + " returns pointer to unknown class");
const ClassInfo& cls = it->second;
auto offset = cls.subclass_differentiator.offset;
if (offset == SIZE_MAX)
- result += " result = " + cls.name + "(result);\n";
+ result += " result = exports." + cls.name + "(result);\n";
- {
- result += " var type = HEAP32[result + " + std::to_string(offset)+ " >> 2];\n";
- result += " if (type in " + cls.name + "_mapping)\n";
- result += " result = new (exports[" + cls.name + "_mapping[type]])(result);\n";
- result += " else\n";
- result += " throw new Error('Unexpected " + cls.name + " type: ' + type);\n";
- }
+ result += " result = exports." + cls.name + ".fromPointer(result);\n";
result += " }\n";
result += " else\n";
result += " result = null;\n";
return result;
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected return type for " + std::string(call.name));
@@ -600,29 +594,44 @@ namespace bindings_internal
return result;
void printClass(const ClassInfo& cls)
+ printf("exports.%s = createClass(%s, %i);\n", cls.name.c_str(),
+ (cls.baseClass ? ("exports." + cls.baseClass->name).c_str() : "null"),
+ cls.ref_counted_offset);
DifferentiatorInfo differentiator = cls.subclass_differentiator;
if (differentiator.offset != SIZE_MAX)
printf("var %s_mapping = \n", cls.name.c_str());
for (const auto& item : differentiator.mapping)
printf(" %i: '%s',\n", item.first, item.second.c_str());
- }
- printf("exports.%s = createClass(%s, %i);\n", cls.name.c_str(),
- (cls.baseClass ? ("exports." + cls.baseClass->name).c_str() : "null"),
- cls.ref_counted_offset);
+ printf("exports.%s.fromPointer = function(ptr)\n", cls.name.c_str());
+ puts("{");
+ printf(" var type = HEAP32[ptr + %i >> 2];\n", differentiator.offset);
+ printf(" if (type in %s_mapping)\n", cls.name.c_str());
+ printf(" return new (exports[%s_mapping[type]])(ptr);\n", cls.name.c_str());
+ printf(" throw new Error('Unexpected %s type: ' + type);\n", cls.name.c_str());
+ puts("};");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("exports.%s.fromPointer = function(ptr)\n", cls.name.c_str());
+ puts("{");
+ printf(" return new exports.%s(ptr);\n", cls.name.c_str());
+ puts("};");
+ }
for (const auto& item : cls.properties)
printf("Object.defineProperty(exports.%s.prototype, '%s', {%s});\n",
cls.name.c_str(), item.name.c_str(),

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